"Nya Akoma!"
February is finally here! (Yes, we are excited as if it is the New Year - being our favorite month, and it's only right, since we decided to restart 2021).
In addition to Black History Month, many people celebrate Valentine's Day on the 14th... but we want to raise awareness for what we really need for our body, souls, spirits and mental wellness - Black Love Day! Yes, dahlings! Black Love Day is OURS, and it goes down the day before your commercial day of love on the 14th!
"Nya Akoma" (pronounced N-yah Ah-coma), is the official greeting for Black Love Day; which means: get a heart, be patient, return to love! Black Love Day uses the following Five Tenets or Loving Acts: Love for the Creator, Love for Self; Love for Family, the Community and Black people.
Ms. Ayo Handy-Kendi, who established Black Love Day in 1993 stated, “In this new year 2021 and new age, we need more Black Love using the heart’s high vibrational energy - way stronger than the low energy of fear, hate and scarcity – to optimize the power of love. Yes, we’ve always had divides, but 2020 exposed a reckoning, where polarization, fighting, killing, and survival ideologies sprawled into our streets and even into the Nation’s Capitol over issues like health equity, racial justice, economic equality, politics, education, competition for limited resources and just “living while black." The 28th Black Love Day will give us hope as we strengthen Black people’s resilience and fortify our “unity in our diversity” despite our particular, “divides” of colorism, tribalism, gangs, gender, ethnicity and have/have not class differences.
"For twenty-four hours on Feb. 13, come together to breathe love into solutions to help us become a whole, powerful people again by healing all our relationships."