Advertise With Us!
We currently have opportunities available for businesses to advertise
with The Virginia Black Lifestyle Magazine! If your company would like to
advertise with us, by sponsoring an article, please send an email to:
Write "VBLM Advertisement" in the email.
Be sure to include the following:
Your website
A category you'd like to sponsor
A high definition image.
Preferred advertisement Option
Advertisement Options and price list:
Small ad at the bottom of an article: $175.00
Small ad aligned left/right to text in an article: $225.00
Small ad isolated in the middle of an article: $275.00
Full ad in the bottom of an article: $325.00
Full ad in the middle of an article: $400.00
Social Media Boost:
Social Boosts include one image, text up to 200 characters, and a hyperlink to your social media platform. Prices begin at $100 per platform post.
Note: Our Social Boost platform options are Facebook/Meta or Instagram.
Once an email is received - if approved, VBLM will follow up with an invoice and insertion order.
Once payment is received, the advertisement will be placed.
Note: VBLM website analytics, and individual article analytics fluctuate from 100 to roughly 5,500 visits weekly since April 2020. Updated analytical information will be included in the invoice at the time the advertisement is placed.
No more than one full ad per article.
No more than a combination of two advertisements per article.
Advertisements can be made exclusive for an additional $100.
Advertisements are live as long as the article is live. We guarantee all articles remain published on our site for a minimum of six months.
All advertisements will have a link to the sponsor's website.
All advertisements are approved at the discretion of our publisher.
All advertisements must compliment and follow The Virginia Black Lifestyle Magazine's (VBLM)Terms of Service, Style and Mission.
VBLM does not accept political campaign advertisements.